Please call to make an appointment for your first visit
Flow of initial medical examination
During the initial consultation, we will examine your teeth and gums and provide counseling to determine the course of treatment.
We ask that you call to make an appointment for your first visit, as we need to set aside an hour or so depending on your symptoms.
Basically, we provide insurance treatment.
If the treatment is not in accordance with the patient's policy, we will also provide self-funded treatment.
The average cost of an initial consultation is ¥3,000 to ¥5,000 when 30% of the cost is covered by health insurance.
*The cost may vary depending on the content of the examination.
☎ 03-3676-1058
Reservation acceptance time
reception 9:00-13:00 / 14:30-19:30 (Monday-Friday, Holidays) |
reception 8:30-13:00 / 14:00-18:00 (Saturday) |
reception 8:30-13:00 / 14:00-17:30 (Sunday) |
For new and urgent patients
We will see new or urgent patients without an appointment in case of sudden toothache, swollen and painful gums, sudden removal of fillings, coverings, or inserts, broken dentures, bumped teeth, embarrassing removal of front teeth, or any other pain, injury, difficulty in eating or speaking, or special circumstance.
On that day, we will provide only emergency treatment, and full-fledged treatment will be provided the next time.
Except in the case of urgent treatment, patients with an appointment will be given first priority.
Since we will see patients in between appointments, waiting time and treatment time may be long.
Aiming for family dentistry with a team system that values a relationship of trust
At Fukasawa Dental Clinic Shinozaki, we provide comprehensive dental care in collaboration with our patients and our team of dentists, dental hygienists, assistants, and technicians. Based on the results of pre-treatment examinations (x-rays, periodontal tissue examination, cavity check, etc.), a diagnosis is made, and a treatment plan is developed and proposed. Although insurance coverage is the basis of treatment, we also provide information on treatment methods not covered by insurance so that you can choose the best method.
We are committed to establishing a relationship of trust with our patients through careful counseling and communication.
We are always looking for ways to preserve natural teeth and strive to provide minimally invasive treatment with as little extraction, grinding, and pain as possible.
Specific Flow of Initial Consultation
Fill out the medical questionnaire
In order to facilitate treatment, we ask you to fill out a medical questionnaire. We would appreciate it if you could be as specific as possible about the purpose of your visit, as we would like to accurately understand your symptoms. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment to allow time to fill out the form. If you have downloaded the medical questionnaire below and written it at home, 15 minutes before is fine.
For example, if you have a toothache, instead of just stating "I have a toothache," you can write "I have a throbbing pain since yesterday," "I have a freezing pain since a week ago," or "I can't sleep at night. Please describe your symptoms in detail, for example, "It has been throbbing since yesterday," "It has been freezing and aching for a week," or "It hurts so continuously that I can't sleep at night.
If you have a history of high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, bronchial asthma, or any other medical condition, please be sure to include it in the form as we need to establish a treatment regime. If you are taking any medications, please do not forget to bring your medication book.
We will ask you to measure your blood pressure before the examination.

At Fukasawa Dental Clinic Shinozaki, we do not perform treatment out of the blue. First, our staff will give you a counseling session in which they will ask you about the purpose of your visit (your main complaint). In addition to the main complaint, please tell us your impression of dental treatment, any concerns or worries you have, and how you would like to be cured.
We will also ask you about your lifestyle habits such as brushing habits, tobacco and alcohol consumption, etc.

Examination and diagnosis (first aid in case of emergency)
Before treatment, x-rays, periodontal tissue examination, cavity check, and intraoral photography are performed as necessary. Since these are important data for treatment planning, at Fukasawa Dental Clinic Shinozaki, examinations are performed as carefully and in as much detail as possible.
*In case of emergency such as severe pain or difficulty in opening the mouth, we will check the oral condition and give priority to emergency treatment and medication that can be given on the same day.

Explanation of treatment plan and informed consent
We emphasize the importance of "informed consent," in which the patient and family members are fully informed of the treatment plan and understand and agree to it.
If you choose to pay for your own treatment, we will discuss in detail the advantages and disadvantages of different treatment methods, as well as the time and costs involved in treatment.
Therefore, we will carefully and carefully explain to you so that you do not feel anxious about the details and costs of your treatment. We are committed to providing you with detailed explanations so that you do not experience anxiety such as "I don't understand the details of the treatment or the cost. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask us anytime.

Explanation of treatment plan
If you agree to the treatment plan, we will begin treatment at your next visit. If you have any questions or would like to check the progress of your treatment, please feel free to ask us.
We will confirm the details of that day's treatment and the details of the next treatment at each visit. If we are forced to change the treatment plan during the course of treatment, we will explain it to you again.

Maintainance and periodic checkups
Post-treatment maintenance by a dental hygienist is very important to prevent recurrence and the severity of symptoms. The main part of maintenance for carious teeth and periodontal disease is cleaning of the teeth and gums. We will give you advice on how to brush your teeth, so please visit our office regularly.